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A) Why are the constants 1, 2, 4, 8 considered as common constants i

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a) Why are the constants 1, 2, 4, 8 considered as common
constants in MSP430?
b) How many assembly instructions does MSP430 have?
(how many real instructions, emulated instructions, and
c) How many cycles do the jump instructions take to
execute? (jmp, jlo, jhs, jl, jge)
d) What is the range of the jump instructions? (how many
bytes up or down the code can they jump?)
a) The constants 1,2,4,8 are considered commonly in
MSP480 this is because using the \"constant generator\"
can eliminate the extra word in the instruction. This makes
the code size smaller and execution faster
b)It contains 27 real instructions with 7 addressing modes
and 24 emulated instructions,25 extended instructions in
c) Independent of the success jump it takes 2 cycles by all
types of jump instruction in MSP430
d) The range of jump instructions is -511 to +512 and jump
instructions are 4 word long. Here +indicates down the
code whereas - indicates up the code

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a) Why are the constants 1, 2, 4, 8 considered as common constants in MSP430? b) How many assembly instructions does MSP430 have? (how many real instructions, emulated instructions, and total?) c) How many cycles do the jump instructions take to execute? (jmp, jlo, jhs, jl, jge) d) What is the range of the jump instructions? (how many bytes up or down the code can they jump?) Solution a) The constants 1,2,4,8 are considered commonly in MSP480 this is because using the \"constant generator\" can eliminate the extra word in the instruction. This makes the code size smaller and execution faster ...
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