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A)If seven integers are chosen from between 1 and 12 inclusive, mu

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A)If seven integers are chosen from between 1 and 12
must at least one of them be odd? Why?
B)If two pairs of similar-looking socks are in a drawer,
how many socks must you pick to be sure of getting a
matching pair? Why?
C)If five pairs of socks are in a drawer,
how many socks must you pick to be sure of getting a
matching pair? Why?
Assume that each sock matches its twin (making the pair)
but no other sock in the drawer.
A) if 7 integers are choosen between 1 and 12, there will
be atleast 1 odd number.
B) Given
Two pairs of similar-looking socks.

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A)If seven integers are chosen from between 1 and 12 inclusive, must at least one of them be odd? Why? B)If two pairs of similar-looking socks are in a drawer, how many socks must you pick to be sure of getting a matching pair? Why? C)If five pairs of socks are in a drawer, how many socks must you p ...
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