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6 Because most reps access the TAL Distributors database from their

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6. Because most reps access the TAL Distributors
database from their mobile devices, such as smart phones
and tablets, the DBA is considering the potential use of
cloud computing. Use books, articles, and/or the Internet
to research cloud computing, then write a report that
describes the advantages and disadvantages of making
data available in the cloud.
Cloud computing refers to the computer hardware and
software which resides on a remote machine and the
services are delivered to the end user through the means
of internet over the network.
These are the advantages and disadvantages of cloud

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6. Because most reps access the TAL Distributors database from their mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets, the DBA is considering the potential use of cloud computing. Use books, articles, and/or the Internet to research cloud computing, then write a report that describes the advantages ...
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