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6 DDR3 uses up to 8 blocks of storage When dealing with a large (m

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6. DDR3 uses up to 8 blocks of storage. When dealing with
a large (multi-multi-megabyte) array, will it operate faster
with sequential access to the array or with random access
to the array? And Why?
Using DDR3, if there is a large array, it will operate much
faster with the sequential access than the randon access
to the array.This is because in the sequential accessevery
element in the array will be visited and goes to all the
elements in an array. In this all we have to do is, set the
index value for 0 and repeat it for n(no of elements in an
Coming to the random access, it is more efficient if only
one element has to be retrieved from th existing array. for
multiple elements access there will be multiple jumps,
which would reduce the efficiency and the performance.

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6. DDR3 uses up to 8 blocks of storage. When dealing with a large (multi-multi-megabyte) array, will it operate faster with sequential access to the array or with random access to the array? And Why? Solution Using DDR3, if there is a large array, it will operate much faster with the sequential ac ...
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