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Access database daily task tracker for multiple users entering

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access database - \"daily task tracker\" for multiple users
entering data: what is the best way to approach the
database design?
The database will be on a shared drive. Would i need to
make the back end shared?
After splitting my database between front and back end. i
have the following questions:
1.) how do i create the same forms for 20+ users?
2.) do i put each form into each users folder on the shared
3.) can the forms be updated via a master template, or
forms must be individually updated when there are new
layouts i want implement?
4.) how do i link the forms to the back end ?
5.) what is the likelihood of corruption?
6.) will this prevent users from overwriting each others
We are considering database is Oracle or mysql and also
consider as back end. the front end is java or php
1) we can create only one home for any number of users
not only 20+ users
2) Based on above information , we can store our
information into particular user database but we should
write some logic in that to store user information to

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access database - \"daily task tracker\" for multiple users entering data: what is the best way to approach the database design? The database will be on a shared drive. Would i need to make the back end shared? After splitting my database between front and back end. i have the following questions: 1.) how do i create the same forms for 20+ users? 2.) do i put each form into each users folder on the shared drive? 3.) can the forms be updated via a master template, or forms must be individually updat ed when there are new layouts i want implement? 4.) how do i link the forms to the back end ? 5. ...
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