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6 What are the differences between objects and abstract data types

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6. What are the differences between objects and abstract
data types
Differences between Objects and Abstract data types:
Objects: Object is an instance of a class and it has states
and behaviours of class.
Abstract data type: It is a data type of abstract and it hides
the representation of class, and it is typically implemented
as a class and each instance of Abstract data type is
usually an object of that class.
Objects and Abstract data types are not the same. But
these are not different with each other.
Objects are a kind ofAbstract data types.
An Abstract data type is an interface.But objects are
instance of a class, with its own copy of any non-static
Abstract data type is a collection of methods but in case of
objects it is not an interface.It is an representation of a
class with new operator.

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6. What are the differences between objects and abstract data types Solution Differences between Objects and Abstract data types: ______________________________________________ Objects: Object is an instance of a class and it has states and behaviours of class. Abstract data type: It is a data type of abstract and it hides the representation of class, and it is typically implemented as a class and each instance of Abstract data type is usually an object of that class. Objects and Abstract data types are not the same. But these are not different with each other. Objects are a kind ofAbstract ...
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