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6 Write a python program that opens an output file with the filenam

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6. Write a python program that opens an output file with
the filename careers.txt, writes 5 careers that you find
interesting to that file, and then closes the file.
>>> f = open(\'output\', \'w\') #open actual file
>>> print f
#create new text file
file = open(\"careers.txt\", \"w\")
#writing five carees
>>> file.write(\"digital career\")
>>> file.write(\"consulting carrer\")
>>> file.write(\"leadership carrer\")
>>> file.write(\"technology carrer\")
>>> file.write(\"services career\")
>>> file.close()
#look in the carerrs.txt, we can see the text that we wrote:
$ cat careers.txt

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6. Write a python program that opens an output file with the filename careers.txt, writes 5 careers that you find interesting to that file, and then closes the file. Solution >>> f = open(\'output\', \'w\') #open actual file >>> print f #create new text file file = open(\"careers.txt\", \"w\") #writing five carees >>> file.write(\"digital career\") >>> file.write(\"consulting carrer\") >>> file.write(\"leadership carrer\") >>> file.write(\"technology carrer\") >>> file.write(\"services career\") >>> file.close() #look in the carerrs.txt, we can see the text that we wrote: $ cat careers.txt ...
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