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According to Hammer, how does a process centered organization differ

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According to Hammer, how does a process-centered
organization differ from a task-centered one?
According to the Hammer the process-centered
organization means the group of people are doing the work
by their resources,ideas,thughts in order to reach the
goal.process-centered organization enables you to the
growth of the organization and finally leads to the
completion of the work in a time.many of the organizations
are fallowing this and thus sustaining the
teammanagement to complete the work within their
deadlines and finally satisfying the clients.
task centered focuses on a particular task and not on the
entire process.if one employee is taking care of shipping
the goods then he is responsible for that task he didnot
think of manufacturing the things or pick and packthat is he
did not think of what others are doing and how they are
working.they can be easily differentiated to understand in
this way as fallowes:that is the process is termed as the
entire work where the task is defined as part of the work.

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According to Hammer, how does a process -centered organization differ from a task-centered one? Solution According to the Hammer the process -centered organization means the group of people are doing the work by their resources,ideas,thughts in order to reach the goal.process-centered organization enables you to the growth of the organization and finally leads to the completion of the work in a time.many of the organizations are fallowing this and thus sustaining the teammanagement to complete the work within their deadlines and finally satisfying the clients. task centered focuses on a part ...
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