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According to NIST perimeter lighting standards, critical areas shoul

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According to NIST perimeter lighting standards, critical
areas should be illuminated to what measurement?
A. 10 feet in height, with 2-foot candle power
B. 12 feet in height, with 4-foot candle power
C. 8 feet in height, with 2-foot candle power
D. 8 feet in height, with 4-foot candle power
C. The NIST standard for perimeter protection using
lighting is that critical areas should be illuminated with 2
candle feet of power at a height of 8 feet.

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According to NIST perimeter lighting standards, critical areas should be illuminated to what measurement? A. 10 feet in height, with 2-foot candle power B. 12 feet in height, with 4-foot candle power C. 8 feet in height, with 2-foot candle power D. 8 feet in height, with 4-foot candle power Solutio ...
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