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8 Multiprocessing with a single core processor is

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8. Multiprocessing with a single core processor is
9. The log file records every transaction that requires a
______ access to the file system?
Multiprocessing with a single core processor is
in single core processor when more then one processes
are running together then it is called multitasking and this
is accomplished by the use of cpu scheduling techniques
like (first come first serve)fcfs,(shortest job
first)sjf,(shortest remaining time first)srtf.
The log file records every transaction that requires a direct
access to the file system.
log file is the file used to store the log or information about
each transaction which can be later used fo file system
crashes or reboot or system restore etc

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8. Multiprocessing with a single core processor is ________________. 9. The log file records every transaction that requires a ______ access to the file system? Solution 8. Multiprocessing with a single core processor is Multitasking. in single core processor when more then one processes are running together then it is called multitasking and this is accomplished by the use of cpu scheduling techniques like (first come first serve)fcfs,(shortest job first)sjf,(shortest remaining time first )srtf. 9. The log file records every transaction that requires a direct access to the file system. log ...
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