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Advanced Sounds makes audio systems for home entertainment centers,

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Advanced Sounds makes audio systems for home
entertainment centers, computers, industry, and motor
vehicles. Over the past ten years this company has
pioneered new technologies in audio systems which have
spurred rapid growth. The company has one large office,
research, and manufacturing complex in New York City.
This complex is divided into the following divisions:
Business, Research and Development, Manufacturing, and
Distribution There are also parts manufacturing centers in
Quebec City and in Montreal. Advanced Sounds also has
seven outlet stores in New York City, four outlets in
Quebec City, and two in Montreal. Each outlet store has a
WAN connection to the central office computer center in
New York City. Advanced Sounds is engaging in a full
upgrade of its Windows Server 2003 network to Windows
Server 2008. The upgrade includes using Windows Server
2008 Active Directory. Advanced Sounds has pioneered
many technological innovations and is very concerned
about keeping its network and computer systems secure.
Their Information Technology (IT) Department hires you to
help them implement Windows Server 2008 Active
Directory. Case Project: Active Directory Installation
Planning Advanced Sounds IT Department has formed a
small installation planning committee consisting of the IT
server operations manager, two system programmers, the
current Active Directory administrator, and you. After the
first meeting they have asked you to prepare a small report
to address the following questions: 1 - What tools are used
in Windows Server 2008 to install Active Directory? 2 -
What information is needed for the initial installation
involving these tools? 3 - Are there any special
considerations in terms of having both Windows Server
2003 and Windows Server 2008 servers as DCs?

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Advanced Sounds makes audio systems for home entertainment centers, computers, industry, and motor vehicles. Over the past ten years this company has pioneered new technologies in audio systems which have spurred rapid growth. The company has one large office, research, and manufacturing complex in New York City. This complex is divided into the following divisions: Business, Research and Development, Manufacturing, and Distribution There are also parts manufacturing centers in Quebec City and in Montreal. Advanced Sounds also has seven outlet stores in New York City, four outlets in Quebec Ci ...
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