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8 Name three codes used in CDMA for spreading signal 9 What ar

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8.Name three codes used in CDMA for spreading signal.
9.What are the main difference between an Omni antenna
and sectored directional antenna?
8.Name three codes used in CDMA for spreading signal.
9.What are the main difference between an Omni antenna
and sectored directional antenna?
8.Name three codes used in CDMA for spreading signal.
9.What are the main difference between an Omni antenna
and sectored directional antenna?
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The three codes used in CDMA for spreading signal are:
1.Long Code
2.Short Code
3.Walsh Hadamard Code
>Omni directional antennas are most commonly are used
to create hot spots by transmitting a signal over a large

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8.Name three codes used in CDMA for spreading signal. 9.What are the main difference between an Omni antenna and sectored directional antenna? 8.Name three codes used in CDMA for spreading 9.What are the main difference between an Omni and sectored directional antenna? 8.Name three codes used in CDMA for spreading 9.What are the main difference between an Omni and sectored directional antenna? signal. antenna signal. antenna Solution Any more info needed please comment: 8) The three codes used in CDMA for spreading signal are: 1.Long Code 2.Short Code 3.Walsh Hadamard Code 9) >Omni directi ...
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