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After a system crash and reboot, a recover program is usually run S

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After a system crash and reboot, a recover program is
usually run. Suppose this program discovers that the link
count in a disk i-Node is 2, but only one directory entry
references the i-Node. Can it fix the problem, and if so,
The recover program which is run after a system crash and
reboot,searches for the lost files. It previews the files after
scanning and then saves them onto another drive. When
this program encounters such a problem, that the link
count in a disk i-node is 2 but only one directory entry
references the i-Node, then \'fsck\' is used. The disk
information is updated and that gives the in-core
information. I fthe system shuts down without having
written the in-core information, it results in inconsistencies
or problems as described here. fsck removes orphaned
clusters so the entries will correct themselves.
This normally occurs due to an unclean shutdown due to
which syncronization hasn\'t occured yet. fsck helps in
checking and repairing thereby removing inconsistencies.

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After a system crash and reboot, a recover program is usually run. Suppose this program discovers that the link count in a disk i-Node is 2, but only one directory entry references the i-Node. Can it fix the problem, and if so, how? Solution The recover program which is run after a system crash and reboot,searches for the lost files. It previews the files after scanning and then saves them onto another drive. When this program encounters such a problem, that the link count in a disk i-node is 2 but only one directory entry references the i-Node, then \'fsck\' is used. The disk information is ...
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