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After reading the chapter, you will notice that there are many stand

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After reading the chapter, you will notice that there are
many standards (HTML, XML, XHTML, etc.) that are still
currently used. Why are there so many? Would it be
possible or advantageous to eliminate any?
There are so many standards. The confusion of any ready
is understandable.
But if you look at the different aspect i.e the different
functionalities supported by them then you will definitely
understand why there are so many standards
HTML standard can only be use to design the webpages
XML standard only uses for data
XHTML being a part of XML and also extends the HTML to
perform many things
Look HTML can do what XML cannt do similarly xml can do
what html cannot do.
So the implemented functions of each of these standards
are unique within there own scope and the other as well
You cannot use HTML to transfere data, similar you cannot
use HTML to design a web page.
This is an importatnt reason why there exist so many

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After reading the chapter, you will notice that there are many standards (HTML, XML, XHTML, etc.) that are still currently used. Why are there so many? Would it be possible or advantageous to eliminate any? Solution There are so many standards. The confusion of any ready is understandable. But if you look at the different aspect i.e the different functionalities supported by them then you will definitely understand why there are so many standards HTML standard can only be use to design the webpages XML standard only uses for data XHTML being a part of XML and also extends the HTML to perform ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
