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Alpha Corp is trying to decide the size of the connection it needs

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Alpha Corp. is trying to decide the size of the connection it
needs to the Internet. The company estimates that it will
send and receive a total of about 1,000 emails per hour
and that each email message is about 1,500 bytes in size.
The company also estimates that it will send and receive a
total of about 3,000 Web pages per hour and that each
page is about 40,000 bytes in size. 1. Without considering
transmission efficiency, how large an Internet connection
would you recommend in terms of bits per second
(assuming that each byte is eight bits in length)? 2.
Assuming they use a synchronous data link layer protocol
with an efficiency of about 90%, how large an Internet
connection would you recommend? 3. Suppose Alpha
wants to be sure that its Internet connection will provide
sufficient capacity the next two years. How large an
Internet connection would you recommend?
1) 270000 bits / second is require
explanation :
1000 mails *1500 each = 1500000 bytes per hour
3000 webpages * 40000= 120000000 bytes per hour
total is = 121500000 bytes per hour
after convert to seconds =33750 bytes per second
after convert to bits =270000 bits per second.

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Alpha Corp. is trying to decide the size of the connection it needs to the Internet. The company estimates that it will send and receive a total of about 1,000 emails per hour and that each email message is about 1,500 bytes in size. The company also estimates that it will send and receive a total of about 3,000 Web pages per hour and that each page is about 40,000 bytes in size. 1. Without considering transmission efficiency, how large an Internet connection would you recommend in terms of bits per se cond (assuming that each byte is eight bits in length)? 2. Assuming they use a synchronous d ...
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