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ALTERNATIVE LIFE PLAN 1. WHAT DO THE NEXT 5 YEARS LOOK LIKE FOR YOU AT THIS POINT IN TIME: FINISHING MY STUDIES. 1. Can I really make it? 2. Would I become successful? 3. Would my dreams come true? 1 year from now I will be still Studying and working hard to pass all my subjects. Hopefully I can experience face to face class 2 years from now hopefully I can go to school and wear school uniform, but I claimed it. 3 years from now I’ll be still studying and enjoying with my friends. 4 years from now I will be doing my internship and doing school research and this will be the tough year of my life I think. 5 years from now on I will be graduating and reviewing for licensure exam. 1 YEAR FROM NOW 2 YEARS FROM NOW 3 YEARS FROM NOW 4 YEARS FROM NOW 5 YEARS FROM NOW ALTERNATIVE LIFE PLAN 2. WHAT DO THE NEXT 5 YEARS LOOK LIKE IF ONE THING IN YOUR LIFE IS SUDDENLY GONE: LIFE MUST GO ...
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