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Agile Management Class Notes_205694645-Agile-Requirements-Best-Practices

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10/20/13 Agile Requirements Best Practices Agile Requirements Best Practices Documentation Search Home | AMDD | Best Practices | Architecture | Requirements | Analysis | Design | | Models | Modeling Style | Contact Us | Announcements | FAQ To be honest, I'm not very enamored with the term "best practice". I believe that the term "contextual practice" makes far more sense because what is a "best practice" in some situations proves to be a "worst practice" in others. Having said that, people are interested in best practices so here they are when it comes to agile requirements modeling: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ► UML ► Agile Model ► Agile Tools Stakeholders actively participate Adopt inclusive models Take a breadth-first approach Model storm details just in time (JIT) Treat requirements like a prioritized stack Prefer executable requirements over static documentation Your goal is to implement requirements, not document them Recognize that you have a wide range of stakeholders Create platform independent requirements to a point Smaller is better Question traceability Explain the techniques Adopt stakeholder terminology Keep it fun Obtain management support Turn stakeholders into developers 1. Stakeholders Actively Participate When you are requirements modeling the critical practice is Active Stakeholder Participation. There are two issues that need to be addressed to enable this practice – availability of project stakeholders to ...
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