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Lesson 6

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1 Read the Study Text below
2 Attempt Reinforcing Questions at the end of the Study Text.
3 Check your answers with those given in Lesson 9
6.1 Books of Account
By s.147(1) every company shall cause to be kept in the English language "proper books of
account" with respect to -
(a) all sums of money received and expended by the company and the matters in respect of
which the receipt and expenditure takes place;
(b) all sales and purchases of goods by the company;
(c) the assets and liabilities of the company.
S.147(2) provides that "proper books of account" shall be deemed not to have been kept with
respect to the matters aforesaid if there are not kept such books as are necessary to give a true and
fair view of the state of the company's affairs and to explain its transactions.
By s.147(3) (a) the books of account are to be kept at the registered office of the company or, with
the consent of the registrar and subject to such conditions as he may impose, at such other place as
the directors think fit, and shall at all times be open to inspection by the directors.
6.2 Profit and Loss Account
By s.148(1) the directors of every company shall, at some date not later than eighteen months after
the incorporation of the company and subsequently once at least in every calendar year, lay before
the company in general meeting a profit and loss account for the period, in the case of the first

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account, since the incorporation of the company, and, in any other case, since the preceding
account. The account shall be made up to a date not earlier than the date of the meeting by more
than nine months or, in the case of a company carrying on business or having interests abroad, by
more than twelve months.
A company which does not trade for profit is required to lay an income and expenditure account
instead of a profit and loss account. The period during which the accounts are to be laid before
the general meeting may be extended by the registrar for any special reasons.
6.3 Contents and Form of Accounts
By s.149(1), every balance sheet shall give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
company as at the end of its financial year, and every profit and loss account shall give a true and
fair view of the profit or loss of the company for the financial year.
By s.149(2), a company's balance sheet and profit and loss account shall comply with the
requirements of the Sixth Schedule to the Act, (subject to such modifications as the registrar may,
on the application or with the consent of the company's directors, allow).
6.4 Group Accounts
S.150(1) provides that if, at the end of its financial year, a company has subsidiaries, then it must
include in its annual accounts "group accounts" dealing with the affairs of the subsidiaries as well.
By s.150(2)(b) group accounts need not deal with a subsidiary of the company if the company's
directors are of opinion that -
i. it is impracticable, or would be of no real value to the members of the company, in view of
the insignificant amounts involved, or would involve expense or delay out of proportion to
the value to members of the company; or
ii. the result would be misleading; or
iii. the result would be harmful to the business of the company or any of its subsidiaries; or
iv. the business of the holding company and that of the subsidiary are so different that they
cannot reasonably be treated as a single undertaking.
The approval of the registrar shall be required for not dealing in group accounts with a subsidiary
on grounds (iii) or (iv).
By s.150(2)(a), a company is exempt from the obligation to prepare group accounts if it is a wholly
owned subsidiary of another body corporate incorporated in Kenya.
6.5 Form of Group Accounts
S.151(1) provides that the group accounts laid before a holding company shall be consolidated
accounts comprising
(a) a consolidated balance sheet dealing with the state of affairs of the company and all the
subsidiaries to be dealt with in group accounts;
(b) a consolidated profit and loss account dealing with the profit or loss of the company and
those subsidiaries.
However, the group accounts need not be prepared in this form if the directors are of the view

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that they could be prepared in another form which would be readily appreciated by the
company's members (s.15(1)).
6.6 Contents of Group Accounts
By s.152(1), the group accounts laid before a company shall give a true and fair view of the state of
affairs and profit or loss of the company and the subsidiaries dealt with thereby as a whole, so far
as concerns members of the company.
S.153(1) further provides that the group accounts, if prepared as consolidated accounts, shall
comply with the requirements of the Sixth Schedule to the Act, so far as applicable thereto, and if
not so prepared, shall give the same or equivalent information.
6.7 Financial Year of Holding Company and Subsidiary
S.153(1) provides that a holding company's directors shall ensure that, except where in their
opinion there are good reasons against it, the financial year of each of its subsidiaries shall
coincide with the company's own financial year.
By s.153(2) the registrar is empowered to postpone the submission of a company's accounts to a
general meeting from one calendar year to the next for purposes of enabling the company's
financial year to end with that of the holding company.
6.8 Balance sheet
S.148(2) requires the directors to prepare and lay before the company in general meeting a balance
sheet as at the date to which the profit and loss account, or the income and expenditure account, is
made up.
By s.155(1) the balance sheet shall be signed on behalf of the board by two of the directors of the
company, or if there is only one director, by that director.
By s.155(4) if any balance sheet is not signed as required but a copy is issued, circulated or
published, the company and every officer who is in default shall be liable to a fine not exceeding
one thousand shillings.
6.9 Accounts to be Annexed to Balance Sheet
By S.156 (1) the profit and loss account, and, so far as not incorporated in the balance sheet or
profit and loss account, any group accounts laid before the company in general meeting, shall be
annexed to the balance sheet. however, S.156 (2) requires the accounts so annexed to be approved
by the board of directors before the balance sheet is signed on their behalf.
By S.156 (3), if any copy of the balance sheet is issued, circulated or published without having
annexed thereto a copy of the profit and loss to be annexed, the company and every officer of the
company who is in default shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand shillings.
6.10 Directors Report
By S.157 (1) the balance sheet must have attached to it a directors' report on the company's affairs,
including the amount, if any, which they recommend should be paid by way of dividend, and the
amount, if any, which they propose to carry to reserves within the meaning of the Sixth Schedule
to the Act.

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LESSON 6 ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT CONTENTS 1 2 3 Read the Study Text below Attempt Reinforcing Questions at the end of the Study Text. Check your answers with those given in Lesson 9 STUDY TEXT 6.1 Books of Account By s.147(1) every company shall cause to be kept in the English language "proper books of account" with respect to (a) all sums of money received and expended by the company and the matters in respect of which the receipt and expenditure takes place; (b) all sales and purchases of goods by the company; (c) the assets and liabilities of the company. S.147(2) provides that "proper books of account" shall be deemed not to have been kept with respect to the matters aforesaid if there are not kept such books as are necessary to give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs and to explain its transactions. By s.147(3) (a) the books of account are to be kept at the registered office of the company or, with the consent of the registrar and subject to such conditions as he may impose, at such other place as the directors think fit, and shall at all times be open to inspection by the directors. 6.2 Profit and Loss Account By s.148(1) the directors of every company shall, at some date not later than eighteen months after the incorporation of the company and subsequently once at least in every calendar year, lay before the company in general meeting a profit and loss account for the period, in the case of the first LESSON 6 ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT 2 accou ...
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