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Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
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Chaoxin Chen
ENC 1102
Dr. Martin
Free Verse on Social Media and Disintegration
Twenty First Century!
And we have more prisoners on the lose than those in prisons
Fathers, mothers, siblings and the nanny
All have been taken captive
Spending time on Instagram, Facebook or watching the Simpsons
Is there a reason for sorrow?
Though it first seemed as a blessing,
The blessing slowly turned poisoners,
Day in day out we lose a part of ourselves
Black, Caucasian, Indian, everyone,
Busy trading our attention, sleep and time on browsers,
No one cares for the neighbor but themselves
Who is to blame?
Procrastination is the new lifestyle
Depression is now the order of the day
East and West we all fight to impress,
But retire in, cowed, and frustrated at the end of the day
Is there hope for this generation?

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Chaoxin Chen ENC 1102 Dr. Martin 9/27/2022 Free Verse on Social Media and Disintegration Twenty First Century! And we have more prisoners on the lose than those in prisons Fathers, mothers, siblings and the nanny All have been taken captive Spending time on Instagram, Facebook or watching the Simpso ...
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