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Northern Virginia Community College
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Article Analysis
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Article Analysis
Article: How Does Therapy for Anxiety Change the Brain? Published on October 3, 2022. Link
According to the article, therapy can alter underlying emotional reactions, desensitize to
trauma, change how people think, improve coping, increase self-awareness and insight,
understand how developmental factors affect us in the present, maximize factors related to
lifestyle and outlook, and even bring about epigenetic changes related to resolving traumatic
experiences. The way we handle our worry determines whether or not we'll be able to prosper
and find fulfillment in many aspects of life. Therapy might be hampered by excessive or
improperly managed anxiety. For instance, earlier research highlights four components of
successful therapy: enhanced self-awareness, improved relationship quality, self-acceptance, and
self-knowledge. High anxiety levels can interfere with these processes in a number of different
ways. By identifying common therapeutic targets, biological treatments like psychiatric
medications, and emerging interventions like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and other
types of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS), which may be used to accelerate therapy at some
point in the future, neurobiological understanding also enables us to improve future therapeutic
The main concept is discussed in the book is on age related changes and intervention. For
motor changes, therapy has been recommended since it is based on evidence based practices.
According to the article, There were significant connections between decreased anxiety and
reduced activity in the left supplementary motor region (SMA). One of the areas addressed by
transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of OCD is this one: It is believed that slowing
down activity in this area disrupts quickly looping neuronal networks linked to invasive,
recurring thoughts as well as repeated physical acts. The superior frontal gyrus's posterior part is

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1 Article Analysis Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor’s Name Course Date 2 Article Analysis Article: How Does Therapy for Anxiety Change the Brain? Published on October 3, 2022. Link According to the article, therapy can alter underlying emotional reactions, desensitize to trauma, change how people think, improve coping, increase self-awareness and insight, understand how developmental factors affect us in the present, maximize factors related to lifestyle and outlook, and even bring about epigenetic changes related to resolving traumatic experiences. The way we handle our worry determines whether or not we'll be able to prosper and find fulfillment in many aspects of life. Therapy might be hampered by excessive or improperly managed anxiety. For instance, earlier research highlights four components of successful therapy: enhanced self-awareness, improved relationship quality, self-acceptance, and self-knowledge. High anxiety levels can interfere with these processes in a number of different ways. By identifying common therapeutic targets, biological treatments like psychiatric medications, and emerging interventions like transcranial magnetic stimulation (T ...
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