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Uts prelim assesment

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Lyceum of the Philippines University
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Understanding the Self
Prelim Assessment
1. Why do you think is the road to self-knowledge easier said than done?
It is easier to talk about our knowledge because we thought we already
know ourselves. What we often say is what we ought to believe we can do as it
looks easy to tell but upon doing what we said, there we will only realize that it is
hard and think that we can’t do it. A lot of things are easier said than done because
we haven’t experienced doing it before we say it. For example, I said that I can
overcome my fear of insects because I know myself and I can do it but when I am
about to touch an insect I immediately surrender and backed out. Words are just
words and it is only the mouth that is moving.
2. What is your understanding of the “looking glass self”? Support your explanation
with examples.
What I understand about the “looking glass self” is how I think other people
view me as a person. It is what others assume about my qualities and appearance
and receives their criticisms and judgments to continually improve myself. For
example, when I am a new student and I think that my classmates thought of me
as a grumpy lady and have a bad attitude.
3. What did Socrates mean when he said that a life which is not examined is not
worth living? Please relate your explanation to real-life situations.
Based on what Socrates had said, one’s life could not be better if you did
not examine yourself or have self-discovery about your own life. You would not
see what are the things you need to improve in yourself. For example, if a person
is shy and didn't have any self-esteem and confidence to try and explore things,

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then he/she will not discover where or what he/she is good at until he/she finds a
way to overcome his/her situation.
4. Use one word to describe Freud’s theory about the self and explain why.
The Psychoanalytic Theory is veracious. The content of the theory speaks
and represents the truth. It states that the things that someone has experienced
may affect their actions, personality, and traits that can make a change in their
lives. For example, a girl who is being harassed by her previous relationship may
encounter trauma and fear to be in a relationship again. This scenario can be under
the superego.
5. Explain why Erikson said that you (adolescents) should be at point of having a
sense of identity?
I think that Erik Erikson denotes that we, adolescents, should be at the point
of having a sense of identity because the adolescent stage is where we must be
on the line of being matured. Therefore, we must be already aware of what is our
identity because, as we get older, we are near to face everything independently.
6. Rogers said that conditions of worth serve as barriers to psychological health. Why
do you think so?
The condition of worth indeed serves as a barrier to one’s psychological
health. It acts as an obstacle, especially to those people who want to live their life
in a way without having people who will only accept them if they manage to fulfill
others’ expectations.
7. After understanding Mead’s “I” and “me”, name 3 positive and 3 negative aspects
about your “I” side and “me” side.

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Understanding the Self Prelim Assessment 1. Why do you think is the road to self-knowledge easier said than done? It is easier to talk about our knowledge because we thought we already know ourselves. What we often say is what we ought to believe we can do as it looks easy to tell but upon doing what we said, there we will only realize that it is hard and think that we can’t do it. A lot of things are easier said than done because we haven’t experienced doing it before we say it. For example, I said that I can overcome my fear of insects because I know myself and I can do it but when I am about to touch an insect I immediately surrender and backed out. Words are just words and it is only the mouth that is moving. 2. What is your understanding of the “looking glass self”? Support your explanation with examples. What I understand about the “looking glass self” is how I think other people view me as a person. It is what others assume about my qualities and appearance and receives their criticisms and judgments to continually improve myself. For example, when I am a new student and I think that my classmates thought of me as a grumpy lady and have a bad attitude. 3. What ...
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