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|||||||||00000 8+2-1+2.11 140 +/-m P. 8,250 Nr 9.75 IN NATE - Numerator wising (lawesk). Denominator milling (kybest) PROBLEM 3: Determine the largest weight W that can be supported by the in the figure. to wires Shown the stress in either wire is not to exceed in 30 ksi. The cross- Sectional areas of AB and AC 0.50 in ², 2 are 0.40 in ² and respectively. 13 SOLUTION Consider FBD P 30° AA50 BA 30°C 1 M Рас 50° {FV=O 3 PAB Sin 30 + PAC Singo - W {FH=0 -PABCOS 30 + PAC COS 50=0 ...
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