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According to philstar 2go group inc

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According to Philstar 2GO Group Inc. embarked on a P150million modernization program to address
future customer demand. The investment involves the deployment of important technological initiatives
on digitation and automation across the company’s core businesses. 2GO said the utilization of
automated sorting machines in its hub facilities are seen to facilitate the processing of more than
140,000 parcels a day.
Based on Philstar Chelsea, 2GO widen net losses in 2020. The quarantine restrictions greatly affected all
revenue segments of the group, with revenues plunging 35 percent to P4.68billion. 2GO’s travel revenue
declined by 78 percent year-on-year due to quarantine-related restrictions which started in mid-march
and persisted throughout the rest of last year. Chelsea Logistics and Infrastructure Holdings Corp.
posted a net loss P3.31billion in 2020, nearly triple the P832million net loss recorded the previous year.
According to a former employee, “people are warm, but management needs to look at employee
benefits and salaries, there are no training in the company and lack of direction of what we are
supposed to do.”

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According to Philstar 2GO Group Inc. embarked on a P150million modernization program to address future customer demand. The investment involves the deployment of important technological initiatives on digitation and automation across the company’s core businesses. 2GO said the utilization of autom ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
