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Equilibrium Plate No. 3

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Bataan Peninsula State University
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GESB0213: STATICS OF RIGID BODIES Plate No.3: EQUILIBRIUM 1. A mechanical arm is supported by a hinge at “A”, an inclined surface at “C” and then by a cord and pulley at “B”. Determine the reactions RA and RC. 2. A uniform bar 6 ft long is held by ropes making angles as shown. A dead weight of 300 kg is attached 1 ft from the left end. Find the tensions in the ropes,TA & TB and the weight of the bar, W. Hint* Locate the weight at the bar’s center of gravity. 3. A mechanical link is supported by a hinge at “A” and a plane surface at “G”. Determine the reaction “RA” and “RG” respectively. 4. A truss is subjected to the two externally applied loads acting at points "A" and "B". Determine the reactions "RG" and "RE" respectively. Use at least two (2) locations to validate your obtained values of RAx, Ray, and RG respectively. Check your obtained values of RGx, RGy, and RE by taking moment summations in at least two (2) locations 5. The bar AB is supported at "B" as shown 5. The AB atis"A" supported at "B" rope as and bar is held by a horizontal shown and is held at "A" by a horizontal passing over a pulley. What weight , rope passing over a pulley. What "M" should offset a load, P = 400 N to weight , "M" should offset a load, P = keep the system in static equilibrium? 400 N toalso keep staticat Compute forthe thesystem reactiveinforce equilibrium? Compute also for the "B". reactive force at "B". Finally make use of the whole FBD to Finallyobt ...
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