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E517 Student Responses

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Grand Canyon University
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Student Responses
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Student Responses
According to almost universal agreement, I concur with your assertion that clinical
treatment for people should be based on objective evidence. Nursing practice, choices, and
transformation should be guided by knowledge and information generated from rigorous
academic methodologies to enhance the way we provide care. Research findings must be
translated into medical care to provide safe, open, efficient, and effective treatment while also
fulfilling clients, relatives, and community (Bjørk, Lomborg, Nielsen, Brynildsen, Frederiksen,
Larsen & Stenholt, 2013). Despite its significance, putting evidence into practice is difficult. As
a result, a nurse-led study is becoming more widely recognized as a crucial route to pragmatic
and successful methods of enhancing healthcare outcomes.
Nevertheless, there are well-known roadblocks to doing research and putting findings
into practice. Dissemination is an essential aspect of nurse-led learning and information
translation. A study is not accomplished until results have been distributed via demonstrations at
scientific meetings and publication in a journal, along with suitable suggestions about how the
results might be implemented into medical care. Consequently, irrespective of the program's
outcomes, researchers are obligated and compelled to disclose their discoveries.
Creating, disseminating, and implementing study findings into medical practice is known
as knowledge translation. Scientists all over the globe utilize synonyms for each other.
Knowledge translation is more than a one-dimensional approach; it entails various procedures,
structures, and relationships between the investigator and the information consumers. Based on
the context and utilization of ideas, the degree to which these exchanges take occur varies. Since

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Running head: STUDENT RESPONSES 1 Student Responses Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Date STUDENT RESPONSES 2 Student Responses Holly According to almost universal agreement, I concur with your assertion that clinical treatment for people should be based on objective evidence. Nursing practice, choices, and transformation should be guided by knowledge and information generated from rigorous academic methodologies to enhance the way we provide care. Research findings must be translated into medical care to provide safe, open, efficient, and effective treatment while also fulfilling clients, relatives, and community (Bjørk, Lomborg, Nielsen, Brynildsen, Frederiksen, Larsen & Stenholt, 2013). Despite its significance, putting evidence into practice is difficult. As a result, a nurse-led study is becoming more widely recognized as a crucial route to pragmatic and successful methods of enhancing healthcare outcomes. Nevertheless, there are well-known roadblocks to doing research and putting findings into practice. Dissemination is an essential aspect of nurse-led learning and information translation. A study is not accomplished until results have been distributed via demo ...
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