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Sop Swaitlana

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Sop Swaitlana
|CAT 2010 Regn. No. |SR6728353 | |Name |SWAITLANA SAHA |
Statement of Purpose
(Prepare a short essay of 600 words on yourself in the space provided below. You may
wish to talk about your background, significant events, accomplishments, experience at
your workplace, extracurricular activities, relationships with friends and family, career
plans and how the Post Graduate Programme in Management from IIMB fits into your
dreams and ambitions. Please make sure that your essay forms a coherent whole.) I am
the only child of my parents which is a great responsibility on my shoulders. I approach
every moment of my life with passion and dedication. As my father is a doctor of ECL,
we have stayed in Kulti. I received my schooling there and have now shifted to Kolkata.
Being a final year Btech student I feel that I am old enough to realize my true self.
Throughout my life I have had the support of my friends and family. My parents have
always respected and readily accepted my decisions and never forced me to follow
theirs. My mother has always guided me accordingly and my busy father took out time
for me whenever possible. With years passing by, my parents let me out of their nest to
make me fly. When I came to study in Haldia I started living in a hostel and took
decisions for myself for good or worse. I have been very frank in sharing my thoughts,
views and problems with friends. They have encouraged me in every sphere of my life.
As I am driven by a strong force to excel in whatever I do, I maintained both my
academics and extra-curricular profile. No matter whatever hurdle comes I have always
maintained a good academic record. Being the head girl of my school I learnt and
implemented the code of conduct and improved my leadership skills. The guidance and
interest of my parents has helped me to get trained in both classical music and painting.
Both of them give me a piece of mind, a way to express my feelings creatively. As a
college cultural and fest committee member I achieved excellence in organizing events
and delivering efficiently while working as a team. As a responsible citizen I voluntarily
worked for Help-Age India in school. To utilize my creativity and knowledge, I joined the
wall magazine committee as a Hindi editor. A person’s life is full of incidents and events,
some funny, some tragic and some memorable. Some events are etched in my mind,

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 Sop Swaitlana [pic] |CAT 2010 Regn. No. |SR6728353 | |Name |SWAITLANA SAHA | CHOICE OF CAREER IN MANAGEMENT Statement of Purpose (Prepare a short essay of 600 words on yourself in the space provided below. You may wish to talk about your background, significant events, accomplishments, experience at your workplace, extracurricular activities, relationships with friends and family, career plans and how the Post Graduate Programme in Management from IIMB fits into your dreams and ambitions. Please make sure that your essay forms a coherent whole.) I am the only child of my parents which ...
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