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eBusiness Strategy exam

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1. B. 48%.
2. A. By 2030, seniors will make up 20% of the U.S. population.
3. D. 89% of teenagers have made an online purchase, according to a Jupiter
Media Metrix report.
4. C. Online bill payment is more popular due to increased efficiency.
5. C. Credence
6. B. money and information.
7. D. obtaining sensory knowledge of the product prior to purchase and delivery.
8. A. Information
9. D. Online communities
10. B. off-line services.
11. B. larger.
12. D. A specialty manufacturer
13. C. multinational
14. C. Phase III
15. D. Phase IV
16. B. telecommuting.
17. A. workflow software.
18. D. pace of product development.
19. B. Cooperation versus competition
20. B. Disintermediation

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1. B. 48%. 2. A. By 2030, seniors will make up 20% of the U.S. population. 3. D. 89% of teenagers have made an online purchase, according to a Jupiter Media Metrix report. 4. C. Online bill payment is more popular due to increased efficiency. 5. C. Credence 6. B. money and information. 7. D. obtain ...
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