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Components of a highly effective presentation1

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Components of a Highly Effective Presentation Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Part A: Components of a highly effective persuasive presentation ❖Content ❖Design ❖Delivery Importance of these components ❖Content: Content should be logical, simple, clear and relevant ❖Design: legibility is key concern; do not put too much text on the slide. The design should complement the content ❖Delivery: Engage the audience with eye-contact and energy. Emphasize your main points Part A: Key presentation skills in a virtual versus physical setting ❖Virtual presentation saves on time whereas physical presentation is time consuming. ❖Virtual presentation is prone to distractions whereas physical presentation eliminates distractions ❖Virtual presentation is not limited to space whereas physical presentation is limited to space Part 2: Examples of highly effective presentation ❖The presentation’s content focuses on main points, and is tailored to the audience ❖The design is legible in that it does not contain a lot of information. The text color contrasts with the background color. Components of a virtual presentation that make it highly persuasive ❖Engaging; continually keeps the team meaningfully engaged ❖The content is everything since there is less importance on focus Part 2: what will make the virtual and physical presentation more persuasive ❖Establishment of rapport with the audience ❖Appropriate use of vocal cues; tonality and timb ...
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