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Airline Reservation System: Organization Profile

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Airline Reservation System: Organization
by redinshaf |
Table of contents page no
1. Abstract 4
2. Organization profile 6
3. Scope and Purpose 7
4. System Requirements and analysis 8 4.1. Problem definition 8
4.2 System overview 8
4.2.1. Existing system 8
4.2.2. Proposed system 8
4.3. System architecture 9
4.4. Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations 10 5. Implementation issues 11
5.1. .Net Frame Work 11
5.2. Asp.Net 16
5.3. Ado.Net 18
5.4. Sql Server 2005 20
5.5. Html 22
5.6. IIS 22
6. Software Requirements specifications 26 6.1. Modular description and functional requirements 27
6.2. Product Perspective 28
6.3. Software Interface 28
6.4. Hardware Interface 29
7. System Design 30
7.1. System Models 32
7.1.1. Usecase Diagrams 33
7.2. Usecase Description and Functionality 36 7.3. Dataflow Diagrams 52
7.4. Class Diagram 60
7.5. Dynamic models 61
7.5.1.Sequence diagrams 61
8. Database Design 69
8.1. Normalization 70
8.2. ER Diagrams 71
8.3. Data Base Tables 73
9. Testing 83
9.1. Types of testing 83
9.2. Test Cases 85
10. Sample screenshots 87

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11. Conclusion and Future Scope 104
12. Biblography 105
Airline Reservation System contains the details about flight schedules and its fare tariffs, passenger
reservations and ticket records. An airline’s inventory contains all flights with their available seats. The
inventory of an airline service is generally divided into three category of classes (e.g. First, Business or
Economy class) and each category is having seats up to 26 bookings, along with prices and booking
conditions. Inventory data is imported and maintained through a Schedule Distribution System over
standardized interfaces. One of the core functions of the inventory management of airline reservations is
the inventory control. Inventory control steers how many seats are available for the different booking
classes, by opening and closing individual booking classes for sale. In combination with the fares and
booking conditions stored in the Fare Quote System the price for each sold seat is determined.
1. Registration module
2. Administrative module
3. Passenger module
1. Registration module
In registration module first we ask passenger to give his details.After registering with us the passenger
can logon to his/her own account and can view all flight details such as Timings, Prices,Availability of
seats and can book the ticket with unique ticket id.Once Passenger registered with us can book any
number of tickets.
2. Administrative module
Administrative module is provided for the sake of administrators to manage the site and update the
content at regular intervals, The major operations included in this module are:
* Create and maintain airline schedule, fare and timings of the Flight. * View the passenger list.
* View the available seats in the flights.
* Cancel the tickets.
* Updating the flight schedule and timings and fare.
3. Passenger module
This module is meant for passengers, where a user logging into his/her owns account will view this
panel. The major operations included in this module were
* View all airline schedules, timings, fare details and seats availability. * Book for the tickets.
* View and cancelling of the ticket.

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Airline Reservation System: Organization Profile by redinshaf | Table of contents page no 1. Abstract 4 2. Organization profile 6 3. Scope and Purpose 7 4. System Requirements and analysis 8 4.1. Problem definition 8 4.2 System overview 8 4.2.1. Existing system 8 4.2.2. Proposed system 8 4.3. System architecture 9 4.4. Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations 10 5. Implementation issues 11 5.1. .Net Frame Work 11 5.2. Asp.Net 16 5.3. Ado.Net 18 5.4. Sql Server 2005 20 5.5. Html 22 5.6. IIS 22 6. Software Requirements specifications 26 6.1. Modular description and functional requirements 27 6.2. Product Perspective 28 6.3. Software Interface 28 6.4. Hardware Interface 29 7. System Design 30 7.1. System Models 32 7.1.1. Usecase Diagrams 33 7.2. Usecase Description and Functionality 36 7.3. Dataflow Diagrams 52 7.4. Class Diagram 60 7.5. Dynamic models 61 7.5.1.Sequence diagrams 61 8. Database Design 69 8.1. Normalization 70 8.2. ER Diagrams 71 8.3. Data Base Tables 73 9. Testing 83 9.1. Types of testing 83 9.2. Test Cases 85 10. Sample screenshots 87 11. Conclusion and Future Scope 104 12. Biblography 105 1. ABSTRACT 1.1 OBJECTIVE: Airline Reservation System contains the details about flight schedules and its fare tariffs, passenger reservations and ticket records. An airline's inventory contains all flights with their available seats. The inventory of an airline service is generally divided into three category of classes (e.g. First, Business or Economy class) and each cate ...
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