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Epa section 608 core

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EPA SECTION 608 CORE (2022 revision) Exam Questions and Answers, Graded A+ What does ozone in the stratosphere above the earth consist of? a. Molecules containing 2 oxygen atoms. b. Molecules containing 3 oxygen atoms. c. Molecules containing 4 oxygen atoms. d. Molecules containing 5 oxygen atoms ✔✔ b. Molecules containing 3 oxygen atoms. Which of the following refrigerants has the lowest global warming potential? a. R-134a b. R-407C c. R-410A d. R-600a ✔✔ d. R-600a Which of the following gases is used as the baseline measurement for global warming potential? a. Ammonia b. Carbon Dioxide c. CFC-12 d. Propane ✔✔ b. Carbon Dioxide Which type of refrigerant typically has the lowest global warming potential? a. HCFCs b. HFOs c. HFCs d. All are equal ✔✔ b. HFOs What is the state of refrigerant entering the compressor of a refrigeration system? a. Low pressure subcooled liquid b. Low pressure superheated vapor c. High pressure subcooled liquid d. High pressure subcooled vapor ✔✔ b. Low pressure superheated vapor How does the global warming potential of R-410A compare to that of carbon dioxide? a. It is lower. b. They are equal. c. It is hundreds of times greater. d. It is thousands of times greater. ✔✔ d. It is thousands of times greater. How do the global warming potentials of isobutane (R-600a), propane (R-290), and R-441A compare to the GWPs of HFC-134a, R404A, and R-410A? a. They are significantly higher. b. They are significantly lower. c. They are ap ...
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