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yahoo and microsoft partinership

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Google and Yahoo Partnership
Institution Affiliation

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There are several major mergers and partnership that have been done in the United States
and abroad. The major companies have used mergers as a way to improve their competitive
advantage over rivals and also as a way of increasing their customer base. Most of these
companies have seen as becoming successful and increasing their reach through the use of these
mergers and partnership. The story of Yahoo becoming a partner with Microsoft can bring a
major breakthrough in the technology industry. This is a force that can try and remove dethrone
Google which has become a leading company in the industry.
Google and Yahoo have worked as major rivals in the internet marketing and advertising.
Microsoft on the other hand is a leader in software market and thus they have gained good
reputation. By the two companies teaming up in a merger it will mean that they will naturally
control the highest percent of the industry as well as be able to combine their operation styles in
a way that will increase the customers’ internet experience. Microsoft and Yahoo are the market
leaders in their respective industry with other competitors being among others. Combining the
expertise between yahoo and Microsoft will bring a major breakthrough in the industry
( A combination will mean that they will both bring their knowledge of the
industry together and form a strong force in the market. They will be able to combine their
market share which will mean that they will be able to sail through the challenges of the industry
in a simple way.
The two companies will be able to increase their earnings given that they will command a
large market. In actual sense, it is likely for the two companies would be able to bring more
information and more options for the customers who would like get more accesses as they two
win profitability. Their management style are almost the same with the two having almost alike
successful history though that Microsoft has played dominance in the software industry while its
internet search engine- Bing is not well established in the market. The two companies have
acquired most of the smaller companies in the market while combine forces with others. The two
companies have been able to record profits and success over the years but yahoo has ever sunk
from major profits over the years. As they may combine forces in future, they will be able to
change from low profitable firms to the world most profitable firms. However, it is unlikely that
the investors in both companies will be able to easily allow the merger given that some may fear
losing some of their profits. They may argue that having such combination would be putting
either of the company at more risk than they were before.
The alliance between Yahoo and Microsoft is a strategic alliance kind of partnership
which is motivated by the trend in the market as well as in the whole industry. The two want to
have a rule over other companies that have been ruled in the market. They want to return to
profitability and have after they have experienced great challenges in the recent past. This is the
time that the two companies can create a strong partnership that will make it hard for the other
companies to just overthrow them ( Yahoo is likely to be the biggest beneficially
given that it has an established online search engine that has been commanding a considerable
big following across the world. Considering that the search is stile and the infant level, it is likely
that the partnership is going to create a new era of explorations. This is a renaissance partnership
that is going to see a great deal in the bringing o the companies to the real life.
The partnership cannot be able to thrive well without following better business level
strategies. The companies business level strategy is to be able to provide the customers with the

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Google and Yahoo Partnership Institution Affiliation Date: There are several major mergers and partnership that have been done in the United States and abroad. The major companies have used mergers as a way to improve their competitive advantage over rivals and also as a way of increasing their customer base. Most of these companies have seen as becoming successful and increasing their reach through the use of these mergers and partnership. The story of Yahoo becoming a partner with Microsoft can bring a major breakthrough in the technology industry. This is a force that can try and remove dethrone Google which has become a leading company in the industry. Google and Yahoo have worked as major rivals in the internet marketing and advertising. Microsoft on the other hand is a leader in software market and thus they have gained good reputation. By the two companies teaming ...
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