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databases security

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SCO 304 11/6/2015 Database security • Database security refers to the use of the DBMS features and other related measures to comply with the security requirements of the organization. • James martin, 1977 summarized the seven essential attributes of database security strategy as follows: Database security – Data is: Protected, Reconstructable, Auditable, Tamperproof – Users are: Identifiable, Authorized, Monitored SCo 304 1 SCo 304 2 Objectives in designing a secure database system • Confidentiality - deals with ensuring that data is protected against unauthorized access, and if the data is accessed by an authorized user, the data is used only for an authorized purpose. i.e. a student should not be allowed to view the grades of other students. • Integrity - it is concerned with keeping data consistent and free of errors, or anomalies. I.e. a student should be allowed to view but not modify grades. • Availability refers to the accessibility of data whenever required by authorized users, for authorized purposes. i.e. a lecturer should be allowed to modify student grades when he/she so wishes. • Securing data requires a comprehensive, company-wide approach. That is, you cannot secure data if you do not secure all the processes and systems around it. • Securing data entails securing the overall information system architecture, including hardware systems, software applications, the network and its devices, people (internal and external users), procedures ...
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