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Fast Food vs. Homemade
John, Phillip. “Mother's high sugar diet for life junk food diet predisposes children to a
high fat, Friday”, August 02, 2013 by. In this article food is an important ingredient for the
survival of life. Every living being is consuming the food nutrients of their type from the
environment. We humans, who are the most superior among other bseings of universe, also
consume food to drive the wheel of life. Since his existence on earth, man has discovered
different sources of food created by nature. He also learned methods ho to make that food more
tasty and edible for consumption. This may shifts the preference of man for food on artificial
sources (unhealthy) rather than pure natural sources.
In today’s world people pay less attention towards their health risks and become
slaves of their will to eat meal that tastes better and boost the enjoyment of eating. They
completely lose the sense of making decision while choosing what is good for their health and
what is not. For example, currently people are attracted more towards fast food than home-
cooked meal. The one and main reason for fast food becoming more popular among people
(Americans) is that today’s man has a busy life schedule. They are much busy in their work that
they don’t have time to buy uncooked food from the market and than spend much of their time in
cooking it at home. Fast food which is a ready made food available and costs much attracts the
workers more than home cooked meal. It is more convenient in the sense that fast food
restaurants are available everywhere, easy to reach. Fast food loses its importance here because it
may lack all the ingredients which are injurious for health and enhance the taste of fast food. But
still home made meal has an edge over fast food as it is full of healthy ingredients, make active

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for doing long time works, and enhance the life time of humans by protecting them against
exposure to deadly diseases.
PF, Louis. “Amazing food combinations that will change your health”, Saturday, July 27,
2013, this article describes our health is important and we must understand and change our
eating habits in order to benefit our health creating a better lifestyle for our future. Through the
analysis of where our sources of fast food and homemade food derive from, we can decipher the
benefits of eating organic homemade foods for our health and lifestyle.s
Cooking meal at home is an exiting practice which is done almost everyday in every home on
earth. People find it a better way to keep them healthy. You know what are you eating and what
type of ingredients are going into your body. It is also the source of joining family together
where the mother cooked the meal for her family with the satisfaction that her family is
consuming safe meal. But with the passage of time man’s life become like a machine and he
spend much of their time in doing work for household earnings. Men and women both are
striving for their living and raising their earnings for a comfortable life. They spend much less
time at home and family stay together, cooking meal at home is now out of question. They find it
more convenient to fetch food rather waiting for hours for home made meal.
In fast running, busy and modern world, fast food company’s take advantage and offer
their services in providing fast ready to cook meal at one call or order. Fast food refers to food
that may be prepared and served quickly in an appropriate packaging. Many people find it
convenient for consumption. It is becoming so popular among people that many people eat it
every day. Due to this popularity, we can see the fast food restaurants every where in towns,
cities and countries around the world. While talking about fast food two names comes into my

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Fast Food vs. Homemade John, Phillip. "Mother's high sugar diet for life junk food diet predisposes children to a high fat, Friday", August 02, 2013 by. In this article food is an important ingredient for the survival of life. Every living being is consuming the food nutrients of their type from the environment. We humans, who are the most superior among other bseings of universe, also consume food to drive the wheel of life. Since his existence on earth, man has discovered different sources of food created by nature. He also learned methods ho to make that food more tasty and edible for consumption. This may shifts the preference of man for food on artificial sources (unhealthy) rather than pure natural sources. In today's world people pay less attention towards their health risks and become slaves of their will to eat meal that tastes better and boost the enjoyment of eating. They completely lose the sense of making decision while choosing what is good for their health and what is not. For example, currently people are attracted more towards fast food than home-cooked meal. The one and main reason for fast food becoming more popular among people (Americans) is that today's man has a busy life schedule. They are much busy in their work that they don't have time to buy uncooked food from the market and than spend much of their time in cooking it at home. Fast food which is a ready made food available and costs much attracts the workers more than home cooked meal. It is mor ...
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