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Running head: FINAL EXAM 1
Final Exam
Catherine Anderson
PSY 325: Statistics
Instructor: Rhonda Bohs
January 29, 2016

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PART 1 Essay Questions
Essay I
An experiment was conducted by researchers for the purpose of determining which
vaccine proved to be most effective in flu prevention. Two different types of vaccines were
tested: a shot and a nasal spray. In order of testing the effectiveness of the vaccines, 1000
participants were randomly selected. These 1000 participants were divided equally in half (500
in each group). Half (500) would receive the vaccine shot and the other half (500) would receive
the nasal spray vaccine. Of the 500 individuals whom received the vaccine shot, 80 developed
the flu whereas the other 420 did not. Of the people whom received the nasal spray vaccine, 120
individuals developed the flu and the other 380 did not. The level of significance was set at .05.
The proportion of the people who were treated with the shot vaccine and who developed the flu
equaled (=) .16, and the proportion of the people who were treated with the nasal spray vaccine
was .24. The calculated p value equaled (=) .0008. The hypothesis for this research study is
asking which vaccine (shot or nasal spray) was more effective when looking at the outcomes of
the subjects who did not fall ill with the flu.
The scientific approach is not an assumption that one of these results is going to be better
than the other one. This is at least true until there is dependable proof to prove otherwise. In this
case (with the above data information), the null hypothesis has been proven and/or accepted. Eep
on mind that the null hypothesis “predicts that the two samples belong to populations with
identical means” (Tanner, 2011. CH 5). So, in the case of this example research study, rejecting
the null hypothesis means finding significant statistical difference in the two vaccines.

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Running head: FINAL EXAM 1 Final Exam Catherine Anderson PSY 325: Statistics Instructor: Rhonda Bohs January 29, 2016 FINAL EXAM 2 PART 1 Essay Questions Essay I An experiment was conducted by researchers for the purpose of determining which vaccine proved to be most effective in flu prevention. Two different types of vaccines were tested: a shot and a nasal spray. In order of testing the effectiveness of the vaccines, 1000 participants were randomly selected. These 1000 participants were divided equally in half (500 in each group). Half (500) would receive the vaccine shot and the other half (500) would receive the nasal spray vaccine. Of the 500 individuals whom received the vaccine shot, 80 developed the flu whereas the other 420 did not. Of the people whom received the nasal spray vaccine, 120 individuals developed the flu and the other 380 did not. The level of significance was set at .05. The proportion of the people who were treated with the shot vaccine and who developed the flu equaled (=) .16, and the proportion of the people who were treated with the nasal spray vaccine was .24. The calculated p value equaled (=) .0008. The hypothesis for this research study is asking which vaccine (shot or nasal spray) was more effective when looking at the outcomes of the subjects who did not fall ill with the flu. The scientific approach is not an assumption that one of these results is going to be better than the other one. This is at least true until there is dependable ...
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