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ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE EXIT EXAM 2020 (Detail Solutions) 1.A nurse is implementing interventions for a group of patients. Which actions are nursing interventions? (Select all that apply.) a. Order chest x-ray for suspected arm fracture. b. Prescribe antibiotics for a wound infection. c. Reposition a patient who is on bed rest. d. Teach a patient preoperative exercises. e. Transfer a patient to another hospital unit. ANS: C, D, E A nursing intervention is any treatment based on clinical judgment and knowledge that a nurse performs to enhance patient outcomes. Repositioning, teaching, and transferring a patient are examples of nursing interventions. Ordering a chest x-ray and prescribing antibiotics are examples of medical interventions performed by a health care provider. 2. A nurse is providing nursing care to a group of patients. Which a. actions are direct care interventions? (Select all that apply.) Ambulating a patient b. c. Inserting a feeding tube Performing resuscitation d. e. Documenting wound care Teaching about medications ANS: A, B, C, E All of the interventions listed (ambulating, inserting a feeding tube, performing resuscitation, and teaching) are direct care interventions involving patient and nurse interaction, except documenting wound care. 1 Documenting wound care is an example of an indirect intervention. 3. a. A nurse is preparing to carry out interventions. Which resources will the nurse make sure are available? (Select all that apply.) Equipme ...
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