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Due 4/11
Answer in 200-300 words
The long term affect would result in theoretical approaches developed within the male
spectrum of perceptions, personas, and understandings. Essentially, meaning that all research
will have the masculinity of male variables implemented into potential programs designed to aid
women. This would obviously led to an ineffective and discriminative idealism within the realm
of sociology, not to mention that limitations of such perceptive. Although this mentality may
have some beneficial properties, it does not aid in understand the female reactions that are
obvious differ from males. We would definitely have a distorted view of cultural relativism in
relations to our current feminist perceptive in today’s society (Schaefer, 2012, p. 17). A highly
discretional perception would be the result of uncouth and unethical research practices.
Those that have a conscious and subconscious tendency and/or intentionally implement
these personal perceptive will potentially and/or eventually manipulate the results in favor of a
personal bias. This also constitutes unethical standards within the scientific world of research
studies. It may also be considered unlawful, resulting in the discrediting of such findings. Such
research will inadvertently create methods of data collection in which the intended results have
already been preconceived. Yes, ethical implications are profound if prejudicial behaviors and
mentalities are not minimized and/or eliminated altogether.
Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Research Today. In R. T. Schaefer, Sociology: A Brief Introduction (p.
17). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

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Due 4/11 Answer in 200-300 words The long term affect would result in theoretical approaches developed within the male spectrum of perceptions, personas, and understandings. Essentially, meaning that all research will have the masculinity of male variables implemented into potential programs designe ...
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