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©2018 Walden University 1
HB2001: Influences on Health Behavior: Analyze the influences of personal, social, and environmental factors on health behaviors.
Written Response Submission Form
Your Name: First and last
Your E-Mail Address: Your e-mail here
Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item
contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.
At the end of the template, you will list the references you used to support your responses.

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©2018 Walden University 2
Item 1
In your own words, explain the concept of “health behavior” and then describe three health-promoting and three health-compromising
behaviors. In your response, explain any demographic (e.g., race/ethnicity, age, sex) differences found in at least three (3) of the behaviors
you chose to discuss. For example, men are more likely to be current smokers than women. Also, explain any relationships that might exist
between any of the behaviors you have chosen for this assessment prompt. For example, research has shown a relationship between
screen-time and sexual behavior in adolescents.
Your Response
Health behaviors refer to any activities that are undertaken by individuals and have either positive or negative impacts on their
overall health status. Health promoting behaviors include observation of a healthy balanced diet. A healthy and balanced diet is
associated with a reduced chance of developing chronic conditions such as diabetes. Further, regular exercising is associated with
improved health and a lower chance of developing cardiovascular conditions. The third health-promoting behavior is the
maintenance of a regular sleep pattern and ensuring that one rests well. This has been associated with the improvement of both
physical and psychological health.
A study by Cockerham et al., (2017) suggests that whites are more likely to consume healthier diets compared to other races in the
United States. This is linked to the overall economic profile in the country. A higher earning rate was linked to an overall ability to
access healthy food spots and the overall ability to access healthier food options.
The study also suggested that whites are also more likely to exercise more due a higher access rate to exercising facilities.
(Cockerham et al., 2017).
Males from low income families are less likely to keep a regular sleep pattern (Jansen et al., 2019). Often, older males have to work
multiple work shifts at base pay rates to earn enough.

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HB2001: Influences on Health Behavior: Analyze the influences of personal, social, and environmental factors on health behaviors. Written Response Submission Form Your Name: First and last Your E-Mail Address: Your e-mail here Instructions Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses. At the end of the template, you will list the references you used to support your responses. ©2018 Walden University 1 Item 1 In your own words, explain the concept of “health behavior” and then describe three health-promoting and three health-compromising behaviors. In your response, explain any demographic (e.g., race/ethnicity, age, sex) differences found in at least three (3) of the behaviors you chose to discuss. For example, men are more likely to be current smokers than women. Also, explain any relationships that might exist between any of the behaviors you have chosen for this assessment prompt. For example, research has shown a relationship between screen-time and sexual behavior in adolescents. Your Response • Health behaviors refer to any activities that are undertaken by individuals and have either positive or negative impacts on their overall health status. Health promoting behaviors include observation of a healthy balanced diet. A healthy and balanced diet is associated with a reduced chance of developing chro ...
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