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Advocate For Policy Education

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Social Science
Walden University
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Advocate for Policy: Education

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Advocate for Policy: Education
Bullying is becoming a significant issue that should be addressed especially in schools.
To implement an anti-bullying policy in her schools, there are several aspects that Amy needs to
consider. The purpose of the anti-bullying policy is to create a respectful and safe environment in
school and address all types of bullying (Gower, Cousin & Borowsky, 2017). The policy should
clearly outline the steps that will be taken when the school administration is informed about
bullying activities in school, effective strategies for dealing with the behavior, and the support
that will be provided by the school to all involved students. The policy should also be
implemented in consultation with the community around the school, should be effectively
communicated and frequently reviewed. While developing the policy, Amy should ensure that it
includes a nationally agreed meaning of bullying. Information on how the school is actively
working to prevent bullying and how it builds a positive culture should be included in the policy
(Salimi et al., 2021). Along with the school coordination, the local government, and other
students, Amy should ensure that the policy includes the provision of counseling, mediation, and
peer support for victims of bullying and bullies in school. With all these aspects in place, the
school administration can implement the policy and communicate to every school member.
One practice skill that the social worker could use to help Amy is advocacy. Advocacy is
critical to Amy’s antibullying efforts in her school, the community around her, and the entire
nation (Gower, Cousin & Borowsky, 2017). The social worker should participate in the efforts of
tightening Amy’s proposed antibullying policy. She can create physical resources such as
commercials, posters, pamphlets, and radio ads to create awareness concerning bullying. The
social worker should advocate Amy’s policy to the state government as a way of seeking support

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1 Advocate for Policy: Education Name Institution Course Instructor Date 2 Advocate for Policy: Education Bullying is becoming a significant issue that should be addressed especially in schools. To implement an anti-bullying policy in her schools, there are several aspects that Amy needs to consider. The purpose of the anti-bullying policy is to create a respectful and safe environment in school and address all types of bullying (Gower, Cousin & Borowsky, 2017). The policy should clearly outline the steps that will be taken when the school administration is informed about bullying activities in school, effective strategies for dealing with the behavior, and the support that will be provided by the school to all involved students. The policy should also be implemented in consultation with the community around the school, should be effectively communicated and frequently reviewed. While developing the policy, Amy should ensure that it includes a nationally agreed meaning of bullying. Information on how the school is actively working to prevent bullying and how it builds a positive culture should be included in the policy (Salimi et al., 2021). Along with the school coordination, ...
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