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Writing Question 1

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Running head: MORAL THEORIES
Moral Theories
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Every person has a moral responsibility to do what is right for his or her own benefit and
for the betterment of the society at large. Instilling ethical virtues to the young generation helps
in nurturing a good society. In this essay, the main objective is to apply the theory of Ethics of
Virtue in an ethical dilemma regarding the most ethical way of distributing vaccine rations. The
consideration of the theory of Ethics of virtue in this ethical dilemma is crucial given the current
situation in rationing the Covid-19 vaccines. Typically, there seems to be a significant imbalance
between the developing and developed worlds when it comes to the access and even the
affordability of the Covid-19 vaccines. This has been the same situation when it comes to the
distribution of other vaccines such as the influenza vaccine.
The Theory of Ethics of Virtues and Vaccine Distribution
The Virtue of Ethics theory is best understood based on its three main strands. The first
strand is Eudaimonism, which entails the classification of ethical virtues. This aspect holds that
eudaimonia is the proper goal when it comes to human life. This aspect is often translated as
implying to the need for happiness, individual wellbeing, and good life in general. The ultimate
goal in this regard is achievable through daily practices in everyday activities in which case
ethical virtues are prioritized to maximize the wellbeing of individuals in the society. In the
context of vaccine distribution, exercise of phronesis or practical wisdom is crucial is resolving
all respective ethical dilemmas (Vergara, 1998). The virtuous way of life in this case is basically
objective rather than subjective. The objectivity of the ethical virtue in this regard can be viewed
in the context of Alisons case. Despite the fact that he has asthma, he is unable to access the

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Running head: MORAL THEORIES Moral Theories Name Institution affiliation MORAL THEORIES 2 Introduction Every person has a moral responsibility to do what is right for his or her own benefit and for the betterment of the society at large. Instilling ethical virtues to the young generation helps in nurturing a good society. In this essay, the main objective is to apply the theory of Ethics of Virtue in an ethical dilemma regarding the most ethical way of distributing vaccine rations. The consideration of the theory of Ethics of virtue in this ethical dilemma is crucial given the current situation in rationing the Covid-19 vaccines. Typically, there seems to be a significant imbalance between the developing and developed worlds when it comes to the access and even the affordability of the Covid-19 vaccines. This has been the same situation when it comes to the distribution of other vaccines such as the influenza vaccine. The Theory of Ethics of Virtues and Vaccine Distribution Eudaimonism The Virtue of Ethics theory is best understood based on its three main strands. The first strand is Eudaimonism, which entails the classification of ethical virtues. This aspect holds that eudaimonia is the proper goal when it comes to human life. This aspect is often translated as implying to the need for happiness, individual wellbeing, and good life in general. The ultimate goal in this regard is achievable through daily practices in everyday activities in which case ethical virtues are ...
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