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Vaccines Topic

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South Western College
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Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children?
In today’s pandemic, every afflicted country’s target is to achieve the herd immunity
through comprehensive vaccination to the benefits for society. However, it is significant to
mention that it is our fundamental human right to choose whether or not to be vaccinated most
especially to one’s children. People usually have reservations about vaccination, despite
statements that vaccines are safe, and continue to demand additional evidence for the efficacy
and safety of it due to associated risks.
Based on, vaccination currently prevents infections, according to proponents,
saving millions of children’s lives. However, opponents argue that most diseases can be dealt
with naturally by children’s immune systems, and that putting uncertain vaccine ingredients into
a child might result in side effects. Moreover, according to CDC, immunity protects us from
disease and it would be ideal if there was a way to offer children illness immunity without them
first becoming ill. However, vaccines contain harmful ingredients. For instance, aluminium is
used in several vaccines, and too much of it in the human body can impair the nervous system.
Furthermore, vaccines protect the herd, according to In 2005, an 18-month-old
Amish girl contracted polio and infected four other unvaccinated children, but there was no polio
outbreak since the community met the disease’s herd immunity threshold. On the contrary,
vaccines are unnatural, and natural immunity is more effective than vaccination. In this topic,
from the above evidence-based arguments, my position is to mandate vaccinations to children
because it can save their lives. Many children perished before immunizations because of diseases
that vaccines now prevent, but those infections can’t be seen nearly as frequently since babies are
protected by immunizations. In addition, vaccines protect the herd. Generally, vaccines provide
economic benefits for society.

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Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children? In today’s pandemic, every afflicted country’s target is to achieve the herd immunity through comprehensive vaccination to the benefits for society. However, it is significant to mention that it is our fundamental human right to choose whether or not ...
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