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Lego Case

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Lego Case Study
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Lego Case Study
Question #1
Market orientation is the process that entails one or more departments engaging in
activities geared towards developing an understanding the current and the future needs of the
customers and the respective factors affecting them. After reading the case and filling out the
assessment form, Lego scores approximately 80 percent, having scored highly “strongly agreed”
on both customer orientation and competition orientation. A score ranging between 80 to 100
percent indicates a higher level of market orientation. Therefore, Lego has a higher market
orientation which can be improved by considering the areas such as its long-term perspectives,
inter-functional coordination, and organizational culture, which it records a lower score in some
categories. The score indicates that Lego’s products are special and unique, which is attracting
new customers. Amongst the competitors, Lego is the first company whose digital games are
based on their toys. Hence, through the purchase of specific cartoon characters, Lego can easily
enhance its target market.
Question #2
As presented in the chapter, the three approaches to marketing include product push
marketing, customer-led marketing, and resource-based marketing (Piercy, 2016). The best
marketing approach describing Lego’s strategy is the resource-based marketing approach. This
approach bridges the other two marketing approaches and bases its marketing strategies on equal
consideration of the market requirements. From the case study, Lego has partnered with various
digital companies such as Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Lego aspires to think that the products
are equal to the customer properly. As such, Lego has created numerous characters, which makes
the games more attractive and appealing.

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1 Lego Case Study Student Name Institution Course Title Professor’s Name Assignment Due Date LEGO CASE STUDY 2 Lego Case Study Question #1 Market orientation is the process that entails one or more departments engaging in activities geared towards developing an understanding the current and the future needs of the customers and the respective factors affecting them. After reading the case and filling out the assessment form, Lego scores approximately 80 percent, having scored highly “strongly agreed” on both customer orientation and competition orientation. A score ranging between 80 to 100 percent indicates a higher level of market orientation. Therefore, Lego has a higher market orientation which can be improved by considering the areas such as its long-term perspectives, inter-functional coordination, and organizational culture, which it records a lower score in some categories. The score indicates that Lego’s products are special and unique, which is attracting new customers. Amongst the competitors, Lego is the first company whose digital games are based on their toys. Hence, through the purchase of specific cartoon characters, Lego can easily enhance its target ...
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