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Thomas Edison state University
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Running head: NOVICE AND EXPERT 1 Novice and Expert Name Institution NOVICE AND EXPERT 2 For the people who have knowledge about a certain area, they will have different ways of thinks and approaching problems. Understanding the manner that such persons approach problems is pivotal in developing an idea of the manner that they think. Consequently, the evaluation will be used in the process of differentiating the novices from the expert. Notably, for someone to be considered an expert, his or her ability must go beyond having good memories and intelligence. In this case, experts have the ability to interpret the information that has been presented to them, organize it, and try to find a solution that is sustainable. Notably, that is the main thing that differentiates the expert from the novice (Persky & Robinson, 2017). With all that in the background, the differentiation between an expert and a novice in problem-solving will have a huge implication in the manner that pertinent issues are solved in society. Traits of a Problem-Solving Expert. There several characteristics that will define a problem-solving expert. Firstly, an expert will have the ability to solve a problem by applying a few central principles. Hence, he or she will look at the manner that the principles relate to the problems at hand. For him or her, there is no need to memorize the process of problem-solving given the rigidity of such an approach. Secondly, the expert problem solver will solve issues us ...
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