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Discussion On Security Policy Revised

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Computer Science
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
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Running head: DISCUSSION ON SECURITY POLICY Discussion on Security Policy Name Institution 1 DISCUSSION ON SECURITY POLICY 2 Discussion on Security Policy Cybersecurity is a critical aspect of the modern form of online operations whereby multiple cases have emerged where cyber crimes have perpetrated violations of informational security. The case describes an incident that led to the leak of confidential government information through the failures of cybersecurity policies. The security breach was caused by a lack of adequate cybersecurity frameworks and policies that could have prevented the loss and leak of confidential government agency’s data. The security framework failed in promoting the cybersecurity, which comprised of identification, protection, detection, responding, and recover the sensitive data. Moreover, the effects of the failure of the cybersecurity framework could affect an organization in various ways. For instance, the lack of effective implementation of cybersecurity measures and policies would lead to increased costs in an organization during and after the cyber attack and leak of confidential information. The extra costs incurred in replacing the obs ...
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