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Mystic Monk Coffee 2

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Texas A & M University
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Running head: MYSTIC MONK COFFEE 1 Mystic Monk Coffee Name Institution Instructor Date MYSTIC MONK COFFEE 2 Mystic Monk Coffee Summary of Relevant Issues of the Case Mystic Monk Coffee company was founded by the U.S Carmelite Monks under the leadership the Prior of the Carmelite Monks Father Daniel Mary and is based in Clark, Wyoming (Thompson et al. 2018). The priory comprises of 13 monks that living within a close-quarters home. The limited space has made it challenging for the priory to grow and it hopes to raise funds using the coffee business to service the purchase of a 496 acre Irma Lake ranch that is currently on sale (Thompson et al. 2018). The ranch is located 21 miles out of Cody in Wyoming. The ranch is being sold at $8.9 million, and the priory believes that they will be able to purchase the property with the help of their business and donations that presently stand at $250,000 (Thompson et al. 2018). Mystic Monk Coffee that is the focus of the report produces a wide variety of products that include ground caffeinated and decaffeinated or whole-bean varieties that are available in medium, light, or dark roasts with varying flavor combinations (Thompson et al. 2018). The high-quality and premium beans are purchased from suppliers in line with fair-trade practices and also from organic producers, which provide the organization with greater competitive advantage in the extremely competitive coffee sector. The production is, however, quite low partly attributed ...
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