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Data Access Control

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Running Head: DATA ACCESS CONTROL 1 This is How Access Control Protects Data Name Institution DATA ACCESS CONTROL 2 We can define access control by saying that it is a system destined to control the passage of people in and out of an area (Introduction to Access Control Systems, n.d.). In the field of information technology, it involves developing a verification system that ensures that only those who are authorized will be granted access. Some of the commonly used features are passwords and firewalls. They are commonly used in our social platforms, bank accounts, passwords for unlocking the doors and so on. How does this control measure help to protect data? Let’s look at our social media platforms. They normally contain sensitive information such as birthdate and location. A person may be interested to know your location for their own reasons. This information can be of great help in their mission. If you have turned on the required security settings, they may not be able to access this information without logging into your account. If they try to get into your account, they will be required to have your passwords. Otherwise, they will be denied this access (The Importa ...
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