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Access Control For Information Practices

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RUNNING HEAD: DISCUSSION 1 DISCUSSION Access Control for Information System Practices and Implementation in a Business STUDENTS NAME PROFESSORS NAME COURSE DATE Access Control for Information System Practices and Implementation in a Business 2 Discuss the best practices for access control for information systems and how implemented by the business. Access control systems involve the installation of security programs and activities that prevent access of unauthorized personnel from accessing private information in a business. These practices play a major role in maintaining the continuity of business by protecting, preventing, correcting, and recovering business data (Kim, & Solomon, 2016). The Information systems which involve business information management involve a number of access control measures in a business environment. These practices include the use of logical access control systems and the physical access control system. The logical and physical access control system help in maintaining a continuous flow of information in a business environment. This context describes these major practices and how they can be implemented in a business environment (Isaac, PDF). The ...
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