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Complex System Characteristics.edited 1

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University of Nairobi
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Running head: COMPLEX SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS Complex system characteristics Name Institutional Affiliation Date 1 COMPLEX SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS 2 A system refers to a collection of elements or things that get organized and work together to achieve a common purpose (Weisbuch, 2018). When systems are composed of several components that interact with each other, their activities may become non-linear with their behaviors being difficult to describe which, therefore, results in them getting labeled as complex systems (Weisbuch, 2018). Complex systems, according to Weisbuch, (2018), can be found in several places in the economy and can broadly be said to have systematic, multiple-interaction and non-decomposable characteristics which get explained in this article. Systematic According to Hayden (2016), the world is becoming more complex as time progresses, meaning that systems need to perform more tasks. Complex systems, which are the systems that handle the ever-growing task processing requirements, have properties that relate to the behaviors of the systems during operations. Some of the features that fall under systematic characteristics include non-linearity, limited predictability, fundamental uncertainty, and emergence (Weisbuch, 2018). Non-linearity Non-linearity in systems, according to De Roo and Hillier (2016), refers to systems whose input does not produce a similar consistent output every time but may give different outputs on the same data. Complex systems are ...
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