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Profiling Physicians

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Running Head: PROFILING PHYSICIANS 1 Profiling Physicians Instructor Class Date Name PROFILING PHYSICIANS 2 Profiling Physicians Profiling is essential in determining the measures regarding the quality of services being provided by physicians and healthcare providers. The performance of physicians is continuously and increasingly being profiled throughout the United States so that the data gained can be released to the public in terms of their performance measures (Goldfield & Gnani & Majeed, 2003). To justify the costs that could become a burden with profiling, collaboration among physicians, healthcare sectors, and stakeholders is crucial. The performance measures achieved during the profiling process needs to be standardized, the efforts of duplications need to be decreased, and the methods utilized should be transparent. Profiling measures enables data to be gained regarding the structure, process, and outcomes of healthcare. With the analyzing of such care practices, variations can be conducted among physicians, which could lead to improvements in the quality of services offered to patient (Martin, C. M., & Hogg, 2003). Clinical and economic profiling are the most general methods used in the U.S. clinical profiling consists of the examinations of doctor’s styles by looking further into their types of treatment and services being provided that relates to the outcome of their care. Economic profiling examines the financial aspects of the practices that the phy ...
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