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R272 Case Study

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Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
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Running head: CASE STUDY 1 Case Study Institutional Affiliation Date CASE STUDY 2 There exists a big challenge for the management of various organizations to place equal significance when dealing with matters of globalization issues. Such issues arise due to the influx of laborers from various generations, such as generation Y and generation X (Y-Size Your Business, 2011). Since generation Y individuals have diverse ways of reasoning and they are basically the type that is never satisfied with finding a thing, organizations will have to ensure that this generation remains to offer services for an extended time. In general, an organization shall have to provide a win-win circumstance for this particular generation in their company. Organizations also ought to understand and look at the way this generation thinks so as to examine their negative and positive actions indirectly or indirectly. Y-Size Your Business (2011) explains that individuals from generation Y are basically those that were born between the year 1978 and 1987. This group of individuals also referred to as the millennial, have the characteristics of being the hardest generation to deal with. Unlike the baby boom ...
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