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Employee Evaluation

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Running Head: EMPLOYEE EVALUATION 1 Employee Evaluation Discussion Post Name Course Professor Date EMPLOYEE EVALUATION 2 Employee Evaluation Discussion Post I have been a plant manager for many years and have dealt with many employee evaluations and appraisals throughout my career. The process is gratifying and easy when there are no changes to be made, and evaluation is positive. Communicating positive feedback to the employee is easy and fun. However, sharing negative feedback and the need to implement dire changes in employee behavior or conduct is a stressful endeavor. In the case of Bob, critical changes have to be made to improve his job performance. Having worked for many years in the management field and particularly in employee evaluations and appraisal, I have gained some special skills for dealing with an employee such as Bob. I often use the Sandwich method in my employee evaluations. This method yields positive results every time, which is why I would hesitate to use it on Bob. In the case of Bob, I will first solve his job performance issues and then proceed to implement business strategies that will assist him to easily execute his tasks and responsibilities according to the standards of the company. The Sandwich method allows managers to give employees feedback in three steps. The first step is praise, followed by criticism and then praise. The first praise is represented by the bottom layer of sandwich (bottom bun), criticism is the salad and meat betwe ...
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